Master your above the fold

Nobody gives you attention when they land on your site. Or landing page. You need to earn every bit of it. How? By mastering your above the fold. This is the first section someone sees and scans. Let me show you how to optimize it.

Plus, a big thank you to our partner heatmap.

Get your brand in front of 200,000+ marketers & founders.

In partnership with heatmap

There’s Untapped Revenue Sitting on Your Website

And I’ll find it.

I’m picking three readers to audit your website for free.

With one goal: grow revenue. 

We’ll identify low-hanging fruit to improve:

  • Headlines

  • Sub-headlines

  • CTAs

  • Imagery

I’m talkin’ $500K - $1M with a few tweaks.

Just sign up for a free trial of heatmap.

And we’ll pinpoint exactly which changes will grow revenue.

Make sure to use the code MARKETINGEXAMINED.

And we’ll pick 3 winners this month (September).

The concept of "above the fold" comes from the newspaper industry.

The most important stories were placed on the upper half of the front page, above the literal fold, to grab attention.

That’s the same for your landing page.

Your above-the-fold section is hands down the most critical part of your landing page.

Within seconds, it determines whether visitors will keep reading, keep scrolling, or click through the CTA.

To do that, your above-the-fold must include these 5 elements:

1. A Value-Focused Headline

The headline is the first thing visitors see.

It can make or break a landing page.

We have four formulas to test and see which one works best for your audience:

Formula #1: Specificity (Big Idea) x Hook (Your magic sauce)

Improve sleep quality and slow aging (big idea) overnight (your magic sauce)

Formula #2: Ask Question=Paint Point x Desire

Want kids (pain point) one day?

Formula #3: Value x Objection

We don’t water down (objection). We water up (value)

Formula #4: Value Creation x What it is

Coffee gummies (what it is) for instant energy (value creation)

2. A Complimentary Sub-Headline

Your subheadline's job is to explain, educate, or introduce how you make the headline a reality.

It should back up your main headline and make your headline believable.

And the best sub-headlines do two things:

  1. Explain how the value is created

  2. How the process/product works

Example: After a decade of research (how the value was created), try our magical combination of 12 active ingredients (how the product works, what it is) to fuel your mental performance(value creation).

3. Creative

Your visuals should do more than just look pretty. They should bring your words to life and show (not tell) what you do.

Use images and videos that showcase real people, real results, and real use cases.

Show your product in action, in real-life settings. Let people see how it fits into their daily lives.

The goal is to convey the feeling of using your product or service. You want visitors to be able to visualize themselves using it and knowing what to expect.

4. Social Proof

Consumers seek reassurance in their choices, looking for evidence that others have trusted you and had positive experiences.

This is why incorporating social proof on your landing page is not just beneficial, it's essential.

And because your above-the-fold holds the most weight, it must include the proof to back up your claims through:

  • Real quotes from customer reviews that tell "success stories"

  • Customer ratings

  • User statistics (e.g., "Over 50,000 cups sold!")

  • Media endorsements or "as seen on" logos

These elements add credibility, instill confidence, and support the value creation you promise.

5. Next Step: Call-to-Action

Your Call-To-Action (CTA) isn't just a bridge to the next step.

It's an opportunity to remind consumers of the value they'll get by taking action.

Most CTAs are vague. They don't emphasize the value creation on the other side of the click.

But if you want consumers to feel convinced when they tap your CTA, you must highlight the specific benefit they'll receive.

Here are some examples:

  • Try 100% risk free (emphasizes no downside)

  • Get 24% off (specifies savings)

  • Uncover your root causes (promises insight)

  • Get the drop (creates exclusivity)

  • Shop restore - $79/month (provides clear pricing for value)

  • Get treatment essentials (offers a comprehensive solution)

See how each of these CTAs focuses on a specific value proposition. They give consumers a compelling reason to click.

So as you audit your own website, start by screening for:

  1. A value-focused headline.

  2. A complementary sub-headline.

  3. Creative that brings your words to life.

  4. Social proof that shows vs tells.

  5. CTAs with specific value props.

And if you want to objectively see what’s driving results vs making assumptions, download heatmap in 5 minutes.

It will tell you which elements of your website drive the most revenue.

In partnership with heatmap

$650,000 From Tweaking The Hero Image

Jellybee is a supplement with a common problem.

Their above-the-fold drop off was atrocious.

So they made one tweak.

Instead of a product-only hero image: bottle of supplements...

They used a selfie of a middle-aged woman (their core demo) holding the bottle of supplements.


  • 1,387 more monthly orders.

  • $55,148 more in monthly revenue.

  • $650,000 more in top line for the year.

And that’s just one tweak.

By signing up for heatmap - they executed a list of top recommendations from heatmapAI.

If you’re an e-comm brand, I got you 15% off all heatmap plans so you can stop playing a guessing game.

Just use the code MARKETINGEXAMINED at checkout.

Appreciate you reading,

Alex G

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