How Blinkist Onboard and Convert Users with One Quiz Flow

Alex here, for the last time this week. I blinked and two things happened. First, my baby Zara is now 2 months and 10.6 lbs. Crazy. Second, I swear yesterday was Monday. Probably because I wrote an extra case study this week. There goes 20 hours.

But overall, great week. We’re making monumental progress with Marketing Examined. And I’m pumped to share more of the journey with you in the upcoming weeks.

Today’s case study is about how Blinkist onboards and converts users with one quiz flow.

But first, I couldn’t do this without our partner, Brave.

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How Blinkist Onboard and Convert Users with One Quiz Flow

It’s simple. It’s seamless. It’s personal. It tackles objections. Uses psychological principles. And converted me into a paying customer. Damn.

Let’s break down why it works.

1. Establish the Job-to-be-Done

People don’t buy products.

They hire products:

  • To solve a problem

  • Fill a desire

That’s why Blinkist starts with this question: What is your goal?

Knowing the goal, you know the Job To Be Done and can tailor the remainder of the onboarding quiz to get the user to that goal.

2. Use User Answers To Keep The User Engaged

Quizzes typically have a steep drop-off percentage. So, how do you keep the user engaged enough to finish the quiz?

By taking their responses and formulating them into specific statistics

It breaks up the questions. It keeps it engaging. And it reminds the user of the value Blinkist can bring the user.

3. Use Psychological Principles To Instill Value

Blinkist uses two psychological principles to instill a heightened sense of value from personalized recommendations.

  1. The Endowment Effect

  2. The Labor Illusion

Endowment Effect

Users value something more if they feel it’s theirs. Because of that, Blinkist creates a library based on your interests.

Labor Illusion

People trust & value results more when they see there’s a lot of work behind it. Blinkist illustrates this with a design delay. You fill out the quiz. And you wait while your library is curated. Which creates the appearance of effort.

4. Use The Results To Create A Personalized Landing Page

Post submission you don’t land on a typical results page.

You land on a personalized landing page with one goal: Pushing the 7-day free trial.

The page is essentially “ 6 reasons why you should try Blinkist for free” without them saying it.

Here’s the breakdown of this page:

  1. Personalized above the fold

  2. Customer Focused Social Proof

  3. Data-Backed Social Proof

  4. Usage Scenarios

  5. Product Features

  6. Benefit > Risk Free Trial CTA (More Below)


One thing: Blinkist created a phenomenal activation process.

Blinkist uses this chart to convey to users the benefit > risk of signing up for a free trial.

This is actually the result of an A/B testing win where Blinkist found out that the #1 reason for not starting a free trial is “forgetting to cancel the trial and being charged”.

This variant increased the sign-up rate by 23%!

This Week’s Rabbit Hole Reads & Resources

Want to get your brand in front of 175,000+ marketers and founders? Partner with us here.

And like that, it’s a wrap. For the case study. Now, it’s time to hit the track. The workout calls for 8x400m repeats. Lord knows I’m icing my knees tonight.

Have a great damn weekend,


Here’s how else we can help you:

  • Apply to partner with Marketing Examined by filling out this Typeform 

  • Book a 1:1 call to re-create your landing pages and double your conversion rate